Running good on 50nl
YC_Fan88, Feb 08 2009
weekend sushi time!

^pic wont show wtf?
Funny hand??
+ Show Spoiler +
Castle Fight anyone?
And there came a tapping...
YC_Fan88, Jan 15 2009
More like knocking.
Yesterday the mystery was solved, however.
For weeks now i could hear a strange knocking from within my walls throughout the day. Well, mostly at 4-7am when i am asleep or trying. It was driving me nuts, i thought i was going crazy (also tilts me like no other). At first i thought it was the people living downstairs being brats. Then, after checking it out several times, i confirm the sound comes from next door (that's city housing for you, so the houses are actually attached, sigh).
So the time came when i complained to my family and coincidentally, one met my neighbor outside and got the story: the knocking is from an 90 years old woman who cannot walk.
Well these information has no value in themselves except for you to laugh at my tilting.
More importantly is that now i feel sorry for the nightly tapping. Imagine 90 years old, disabled, knocking on the walls for HOURS and nobody comes to your aid.
Actually... i am not sure how much of it is the descendants' fault. You must did a pretty bad job as a parent if you are unable to communicate your needs and allow your children to take care of you when you are old, right?
/end emo talk.
i <3 PS!
YC_Fan88, Jan 12 2009
6hr session @ PS 25NL

See below for FTP comparison.
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